qiagen质粒大量提取试剂盒12162 12163


qiagen质粒大量提取试剂盒12162 12163

QIAGEN Plasmid Kit procedures.

Neutralized bacterial lysates are cleared by centrifugation. The cleared lysate is then loaded onto the anion-exchange tip where plasmid DNA selectively binds under appropriate low-salt and pH conditions. RNA, proteins, metabolites, and other low-molecular-weight impurities are removed by a medium-salt wash, and ultrapure plasmid DNA is eluted in high-salt buffer. The DNA is concentrated and desalted by isopropanol precipitation and collected by centrifugation.

qiagen质粒大量提取试剂盒12162 12163


QIAGEN Plasmid Kit利用重力流QIAGEN阴离子交换柱技术高效纯化质粒DNA。产量可达10 mg(Giga)、2.5 mg(Mega)、500 µg(Maxi)、或100 µg(Midi)高拷贝质粒DNA(培养体积取决于质粒拷贝数、插入片段大小、宿主菌株和培养基。)QIAGEN Plasmid Kits纯化的质粒DNA适合多种应用


12162质粒大量提取试剂盒QIAGEN Plasmid Maxi Kit (10) 规格:10次

12163质粒大量提取试剂盒QIAGEN Plasmid Maxi Kit (25) 规格:25次