MMI 18孔膜载玻片 MMI 18-well Membrane Slide, 5 pieces/pack

MMI 18孔膜载玻片

MMI 18-well Membrane Slide, 5 pieces/pack

专用于活细胞激光显微切割。细胞可在孔中培养,玻片可倒置于平台上进行显微切割,可用mmi isolation cap收集细胞(推荐0.2ml规格)。 dedicated for live cell laser microdissection. the cells are cultivated within the wells. afterwards, the slide is turned upside down and placed on the stage. the cells can now be cut and isolated with a standard mmi isolation cap (0.2 ml recommended).

Molecular Machines & Industries(MMI)是显微操作技术应用于生命科学、材料科学和医疗保健解决方案的领先供应商。专注于单细胞处理、激光显微切割和光镊的临床和研究为基础的广泛应用。

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50304 MMI 18孔膜载玻片 5片/盒 咨询客服