MMI 18孔板 MMI 18-well Slide

MMI 18孔板

MMI 18-well Slide

18孔板,用于数量较少的活细胞实验,孔板底为PEN膜,可将细胞培养于孔内,然后倒置放于载物台上,孔内细胞即可被标准采集管(推荐0.2ml管)所采集;如果孔内填充液体,可用于CellEctor Plus的细胞挑选。 If you are working with small cell populations an alternative to the MMI LiveCell Chamber is the 18-well membrane IBIDI slide. The cells are cultivated within the wells. Afterwards, the slide is turned upside down and placed on the stage. The cells can now be cut and isolated with a standard MMI IsolationCap (0.2 ml recommended). If still filled with liquid the MMI CellEctor can, instead, be used to transfer the cells directly from the wells.

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