酚红钠盐 细胞培养验证 CAS 34487-61-6 货号2460-AAT Bioquest荧光染料

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酚红钠盐 细胞培养验证 CAS 34487-61-6

酚红钠盐 细胞培养验证 CAS 34487-61-6

酚红钠盐 细胞培养验证  CAS 34487-61-6    货号2460 货号 2460 存储条件 室温储存不要冷冻, 避免光照
规格 50 g 价格 2544
Ex (nm) 557 Em (nm)
分子量 376.36 溶剂 Water




产品名称:酚红钠盐 细胞培养验证













酚红(也称为苯酚磺酞或PSP)是pH指示剂,常用于细胞生物学实验室。其颜色在6.6至8.0的pH范围内呈现从黄色到红色的逐渐过渡。高于pH 8.1,酚红变成亮粉色(紫红色)。当细胞在组织培养中生长时,它们生长的培养基保持接近生理pH。添加到生长培养基中的少量酚红在正常条件下将呈粉红色。如果出现问题,死亡细胞产生的废物或污染物过度生长会引起pH值的变化,导致指示剂颜色发生变化。



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Hypothermia of 8 degrees C protects cultured retinal pigment epithelial cells and retinal ganglion cells against trypan blue toxicity
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Establishment and optimization of a flow cytometric method for evaluation of viability of CD34+ cells after cryopreservation and comparison with trypan blue exclusion staining
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Neurotoxic effects of trypan blue on rat retinal ganglion cells
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Photodynamic actions of indocyanine green and trypan blue on human lens epithelial cells in vitro
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Safety of trypan blue 1% and indocyanine green 0.5% in assisting visualization of anterior capsule during phacoemulsification in mature cataract
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Toxic effects of indocyanine green, infracyanine green, and trypan blue on the human retinal pigmented epithelium
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Trypan blue exclusion principle in the evaluation of fibroblast attachment in vitro using V79 cells on the conditioned root surface
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Trypan blue identifies antimetabolite treatment area in trabeculectomy
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产品名称 货号
Calcein Red 钠盐 Cat#21901

酚红钠盐 细胞培养验证 CAS 34487-61-6.pdf