DNA 剪切校准试剂盒 DNA Shearing Verification Kit

DNA 剪切校准试剂盒

DNA Shearing Verification Kit

用于 Covaris自动聚焦声学仪器平台的定期校准检测,包括一个预先片段化的对照样,一个未片段化的测试样。该Kit可进行5次测试。 This kit allows users to routinely verify the performance of their Covaris Focused-μltrasonicator. The kit may be used for periodic quality assurance or used when optimizing methods. The kit contains a Reference sample of pre-fragmented genomic DNA, and a Test sample of un-fragmented genomic DNA. The kit contains sufficient material for five verification tests

适用平台:Covaris平台 说明:仪器检验校准

货号 产品名称 品牌 购买
货号 名称 单位 购买
520120 DNA 剪切校准试剂盒 5次/kit 咨询客服

水浴系统诊断检测 试剂盒 Degas System Verification Kit

水浴系统诊断检测 试剂盒

Degas System Verification Kit

用于检测确认Covaris水浴系统是否有足够的溶解氧,快速、简便。该kit可做30次检测,可用于仪器的诊断、定期检修。 The Degas Systm Verification Kit offers a quick, easy, and cost-effective method for confirming adequate dissolved oxygen levels in Covaris instrument water baths. The Kit uses the Indigo Carmine methodology, whereby, dissolved oxygen in the water sample reacts with a reagent to form a “blue” byproduct. The user can visually detemine dissolved oxygen levels of their water bath in PPM (mg/L). The kit comes with (30) disposable test vials and is ideal for use in diagnostic troubleshooting, periodic performance qualification, etc.

适用平台:Covaris平台 说明:仪器检验校准,采用靛蓝指示剂的方法,水样中的溶解氧和试剂反应产生“蓝色”副产物,可以直接通过PPM(mg/L)得知水浴系统的溶解氧水平。

货号 产品名称 品牌 购买
货号 名称 单位 购买
520143 水浴系统诊断检测 试剂盒 30次/kit 咨询客服